Created in France by Dr. Michel Pistor in 1952 it has since become known worldwide for its benefits to the skin, using a cocktail of ingredients or Just one if wanting to target a more specific skin complaint by only working on the very top layer of the skin it provides the skin cells with a much-needed boost with little to no downtime it is a great treatment if are looking for a boost without downtime.
A course of 3 recommended.
With all mesotherapy treatments, a light peel and a mask are included in the treatment.
Fractional Mesotherapy
Using a handheld device to help push the product further into the skin providing the skin with much-needed nutrients.
Nano needling
Nano-infusion is aimed at increasing product absorption by 97%. It is best suited alongside a pHformula resurfacing treatment. It is a perfect add on treatment perfect for adding "that glow" and firming the skin we use specialised transdermal solutions, mesotherapy cocktails and active serums to help infuse your skin with the best ingredients for your skin concern.
These use silicone cones to improve product penetration painless and comfortable as it only penetrates the stratum corneum about 0.15mm into the skin. A perfect addition to any treatment to help with pigmentation firmness tone and texture
All mesotherapy treatments will include 30 minutes under an LED light to help boost collagen and results even further.
Nappage is a well-known skin rejuvenation treatment that hydrates the skin giving it a firm feeling from the inside out. It brightens, rejuvenates and is extremely effective in replacing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and hyaluronic acid that depletes over time naturally within the skin.
Ideal before sun exposure or a holiday in the sun!
This 3 step treatment is great for anyone suffering from dark circles, fine lines, dryness or puffiness.
Using a specially designed needle that has 3 small preset needles to ensure you only get the top layer of the skin with the nctf solution which has over 59 active ingredients to give the delicate skin around the eye area a vitamin boost. £90